[Revealed]: Torch Stubborn Body Fat In 3 Weeks Even If You’ve Tried Everything And Nothing Has Worked For You Before, Without Giving Up The Foods You Love!
[Revealed]: Torch Stubborn Body Fat In 3 Weeks Even If You’ve Tried Everything And Nothing Has Worked For You Before, Without Giving Up The Foods You Love!
Are you:
  • Tired of spinning your wheels time and time again with your fat loss goals? 
  •  Embarrassed at the daily reminder of doughy fat you see every day in the mirror? 
  •  Convincing yourself you may never achieve the lean, athletic physique you’ve dreamed of?
  •  Jealous of your friends who seem to be able to eat whatever they want, and still look great?

If you answered yes to any of the above, then keep reading because what’s stopping you from achieving results is going to shock you!
Revealed: The 5 Myths Keeping You Fat, Tired, Sluggish and Spinning Your Wheels With Your Health and Fitness
MYTH #1: You Can’t Lose Fat and Build Muscle At The Same Time.
TRUTH: The days of inefficient and ineffective ‘bulking’ and ‘cutting’ are over. Recent breakthroughs in training help unlock key hormonal activators that allow you to put on lean muscle, while simultaneously losing stubborn body fat and achieving a head turning physique she craves.
MYTH #2: The key to your dream body involves intense dieting and eating bland, tasteless foods.
TRUTH: 98% of diets fail because no one lasts long term on a program they hate! The truth is you can achieve your dream body while eating all the delicious foods you LOVE. The only way you’re going to stick to anything long term is: if it works, and if it’s sustainable for your life.
MYTH #3: You have to work out 5-6 days a week and become “one of those guys” walking around the office with tupperware..
TRUTH: Breakthrough research has revealed this intense type of training adds so much stress to your body, it actually completely halts the fat burning process. Sure, it may work for a little while but ultimately leaves your hormones smoked from being in constant flight or flight, leading to a soft, doughy body that loves holding onto fat.
MYTH #4: Carbs Are Evil And Can’t Be Touched If You Want Results.
TRUTH: Carbs are essential for energy uptick and activating the fat burning processed of the body’s. Our program is designed for you to use long-term, and carb deprivation only works for a short period of time, until your body adapts and you stop losing weight.
MYTH #5: Getting In The Best Shape Of Your Life Is Hard Work.
TRUTH: Here’s what most ‘functional’ gyms and personal trainers hate me for telling my clients: looking, feeling and performing your best with a body you love looking at isn’t hard. You don’t have to be peeled off the gym floor on the verge of exhaustion to achieve results, not even close!
To: Future Leaned Out Showstopper
Dear Friend:
It’s Aaron here and I remember the day I hit rock bottom.
I had been training for years, spent thousands on programs, supplements and gave up all social events, thinking the more dedicated I was — the more results I’d experience.

I’d try new trainers, buy more programs
until one day a friend took a picture of me and I asked:
Who’s that out of shape dude?
...and then I realized... it was me!
I had him take another picture to make sure it wasn’t an awkward pose or off lighting — and here’s what I looked like:

Looking at that picture, you can see i was "trying to present my best self" but deep down I knew I was a little, unconfident man.

I sat there stunned, with my mouth wide open, looking and feeling like a fraud.
I didn’t know what to do anymore, and I felt lost.
At this time in my life I was already training 5 days a week, eating bland foods like turkey and chicken and had completely cut out alcohol.
"WTF", I thought.
It wasn’t just affecting my self esteem and confidence, I started to lose the spark and zest for life to try new things...
...and the unshakeable confidence that comes with a lean, strong and capable body.
It’d been ages since I had a girlfriend, and my ex had cheated on me for another guy with rock hard abs.
That day, as I looked back at this out of shape, fitness wanna-be...
I made a decision.
I would go to the end of the Earth to find a program that delivered unthinkable results, and helped me and countless others break through to the other side.
Because what I was doing and the general consensus amongst popular health and fitness magazines and the media was dead wrong.
I knew this, because I was doing everything they’d told me worked.
And I know you realize this too, because if you’re here it tells me two things:

#1: Deep down, you want a body that strikes confidence, turns heads and others look up to and girls can’t take their eyes off.
(Even if you have a girlfriend or wife — there is nothing that feels better or will drive up her attraction to you than other ladies wanting you!)
And because you’re here, I also know:
#2: You’re spinning your wheels, and years later are still stuck and seeing less results and ready to throw in the towel.
I’m sure you’ve read all the same magazines, blogs, books or even hired pricey personal trainers or useless nutritionists, thinking:
This is the time I get it right, once and for all.
So you start a program, you get hyped up, you feel the endorphins rushing through your veins after the first few workouts.
But then a month or 2 weeks go by, and the results plateau as quick as they came. 
Slowly, your daily motivation to keep up your routine starts to fade away, and you start to believe a little less in what you’re doing.

  •  Your college body posts a picture of himself shirtless and saying he’s gone Paleo, so you decide to try the low carb deal, thinking that may be the trick.
  •  Your co-worker looks lean and strong and swears by ‘functional’ training so you start looking into that.
  • You look at your instagram feed and see jacked guys saying to do more fasted cardio, so you sprinkle that in.
But none of this works — and only causes more confusion.
And that’s when you decide it’s simply too much, too hard, too many confusing messages and "maybe" you’re simply not destined to be fit.
Listen, I want you to know:
I’ve been exactly where you are today, in this moment — and it’s okay.
I’m here to let you off the hook, because...
Once I went deep into researching the health, fitness, nutrition and supplement industry, I discovered some disturbing truths, which I revealed in the 5 Myths above.
But besides those, the one big secret I came across was one of deception, one that should piss you off.
It was simply the following:
They profit off keeping thousands and millions of people like you confused, scattered and spinning their wheels with their fitness.
And once I experienced my life-changing results by working out less, eating more foods I loved and simplifying every part of my program to experience results:
I started to share it with my friends, social circle, clients and everything in between.
At first, they were skeptical because it went against ‘conventional’ wisdom — and I understood where they were coming from.
But once they bought in...
The results were nothing short of out of this world.
I even had other trainers, coaches and bodybuilders ask me for my ‘secrets’ to use on themselves and their clients!

And that’s when Alpha Shredding was born — to help Men just like you achieve unthinkable results on their fitness journey.
Because I’m sick of the misinformation and hearing the same things over and over again.

Let’s dig into Justin’s story...
"From looking pregnant… to a 4-pack!"
"I went from looking pregnant in the mirror and feelin' bloated, weighing more than I ever weighed in my entire life (165 pounds) to transforming all that belly fat into now having a 4 pack (haha I'm half way there). I now weigh 155 pounds, shredded LOTS of fat and gained lots of muscle. Can you see the difference?
The best part of it all, is how I feel now as a result of it.

My energy is 10X
My stamina is 10X
My speed is 10X
My balance is 10X
My confidence is 10X."
You too can have results like this.
A Revolutionary Approach To Losing Stubborn Body Fat and Gaining Muscle
Alpha Shredding is unlike any other program in the marketplace — designed after years of studying, hundreds of thousands of dollars and proven and tested on thousands of Men…
...from all ages, backgrounds, fitness experience and everything in between.
Best of all, Alpha Shredding is a program designed to create what we call a "hormonal surge" — allowing you to experience results in a matter of weeks, if not days.
Because you and I know:
Nothing will motivate us to keep going like seeing real world results every time we look in the mirror, take your shirt off, or our intimate partner asks:
Babe, what have you been doing? You look amazing!
(Trust me, she’ll be all over you and your buddies will be begging you for your secret.)
That’s exactly what happened with Mike...
"Total life changer… I’m way more confident now!"
"As you can see, when I started Alpha Shredding I was skinny fat with no muscles mass. By following the Alpha Shredding program, I was able to increase my lean muscle mass and also get more shredded... it works and I'm way more confident now!" 

The entire program is well structured and I was definitely out of my comfort zone (especially during leg day!) but that is what is required to get shredded and now its a lifestyle for me - total life changer!"
Here Is Mike's Progress thus far (the guy in the above video)
Results You Can See And Feel In A Matter Of Weeks — 
If Not Days!
Trust me, your personal trainer or group membership class does not want you to see this page, because it means you won’t need them.
Here’s What To Expect After A Few Simple Weeks Of Alpha Shredding:
  •  Pounds of stubborn belly fat melting off your stomach and love handles
  •  Increased lean muscle in your arms, traps, chest and ‘manly’ places she loves!
  • Real world, no BS measurable progress you can see, feel and measure
  •  "Head turning" unshakable confidence knowing you’re on track with your body
  •  Through the roof sex drive she’ll crave over and over (and tell all her gf's about!)
  •  "Superhuman" levels of energy so you'll be at 110% from morning till bedtime :)
..and best of all, without pricey personal trainers, living at the gym, bland chicken or giving up the social lifestyle you love.
This is all done with years of scientifically backed research few have had access to — until now.
This is not your typical program — because you’re not a typical guy.
I’m giving away the farm, including my behind-the-scenes, never seen before program, hacks, nutrition guides and everything in between.
Here’s What You’ll Get When You 
Order In The Next 48 Hours:
ASM Component #1: 

The Last Exercise Routine You’ll Ever Need

($1,997 Value)
You have permission to fire your expensive personal trainer or "functional" membership class.
You'll Receive:
  •  Alpha Shredding Exercise Video Library. Designed to shock your body, I only included the best bang-for-your buck exercises proven to achieve superhero physiques.

  •  Ladders And Pyramid Training. The secret, Hollywood tested method no one wants you to know about for 3X faster results.

  •  Customized Weight Charts. For every shape and size, you’ll know exactly what to lift and when. Say goodbye to guesswork...forever!

  •  And Much, Much More!
ASM Component #2: 

 ($297 Value)
The days of counting calories and dry chicken with brown rice are officially over!

Here’s what’s inside:
  • Tailored Sustainable "Meal Plan". You’re going to be doing jumping jacks when you find out how delicious shedding fat tastes with our mouth-watering, sustainable options!
  • Secret Shred Foods. This list increases metabolism and your body’s ability to shed fat up to 3X —secret’s out!
  • Nutrient Timing Secrets. Taken from Hollywood stars with minimal time to get ripped, know exactly when to eat for maximum results.
ASM Component #3:
($247 Value)
  • Customizable Workout Plan — Record your gains every single week, you’ll be stunned!
  •  Track Your Progress. Quick, simple and easy access from your phone.
  •  Stay On Fire. By seeing your results in real time, you’ll be more motivated to keep going.
ASM Component #4:
($397 Value)
You’re busy, we get it. That’s why we’re including our 24/7 on-the-go training — like having a personal trainer in your pocket (without the annoying small talk) as well as:
  • Easy Access 24/7 Workouts. Never miss a session, no matter how busy life gets.
  •  Zero guesswork. No more copying and pasting programs that weren’t even designed for you.
  •  100% Done for you. Sets, reps and complete programs for your busy lifestyle.
Click the button. Enter your payment information right now - before life gets in the way and enroll in The Alpha Shredding Program IF you qualify.

All Training is Delivered 100% Online In Our Membership Area

Order Within The Next 45 Mins And Receive 75% Off Plus Special VIP Bonuses!
($497 Value)
Yours FREE!
  • Get Shredded ANYWHERE — No gym, weight machines or free weights required! Workout at a hotel, your home or even in the office!
  •  Only have a Few MINUTES? My Workout Promises FAST Results — Blast through my full-body, body-weight workout and get on with your life.
  •  Your Own Body Becomes the Gym — My compound body-weight exercises explode your strength and balance.

($97 Value)
Yours FREE!
  • What Supplements Do My Top-Level Clients and I Take To Get Shredded 5X Faster? Few know this valuable secret — YOU WILL! 
  •  Discover Which Supplements DON’T WORK! You probably waste your money on them right now.
  •  Which Brands Work? Which Brands Suck? You’ve never seen a guide this valuable.
  •  Here’s the Truth NOBODY Else Will Tell You… If you don’t want to spend your money on supplements, you don’t have to! We tell you why.
...that's over $4,529 worth of REAL Value when you include the VIP Bonuses!
Your Time Is Now, But We’ve Come To A Fork In The Road.
Option A:
Keep doing what you’ve been doing — and stay stuck with a pudgy, unattractive body that only gets worse and worse as the days and months go by.

To receive the level of results and value of Alpha Shredding 
in the ‘real world’, you would have to:
  • Hire an advanced strength coach with you at every single session showing you the right form, program, rep scheme and recovery time
  •  Consult with a sports scientist and nutritionist to give you a tailored plan based around your key metrics and goals
  •  Hire a hormonal expert who knows exactly how to manipulate key hormones with the right foods, at the right time
  •  Invest in an accountability coach who gives you the motivation and mindset to keep going

….all of which would easily cost tens of thousands of dollars, and even then — you’d have to make sure they’re on the same page.

Option B:
Make a decision and Join The Thousands of Men just like you who have experienced life-changing transformation for less than the cost of a night out.

  • You will finally access your true power, your true strength and your true confidence.
  •  You will be noticed immediately once you enter the room
  •  Women will do a double take at you as soon as they see you
  •  And your Sex Drive will be through the roof!
  •  You will level-up your relationship game and you'll really see just how awesome life can be, once you're shredded and ripped. 
Get In Better Shape Than The College Days, Or Your Money Back.
No, that’s not a typo — that’s how much we believe in our life changing program.
As long as you commit to 3 weeks and stick to the program, and if any part of you isn’t absolutely thrilled with the results you’re experiencing, email our customer service staff and you get your money back.

Not only that — you keep all the deliverables and bonuses.

Thousands Of Men Have Experienced Transformation For Less Than A Night Out...
[This Once In A Lifetime Offer Expires In Less Than 45 Mins. Alpha Shredding Has Recently Secured National Press, And We’re Closing This Offer Down Soon]
For this Limited-Time Offer...
Get Started for Just $37 — Save 75% Today!
All Training is Delivered 100% Online In Our Membership Area
I have always wanted to look like a god...

You Know...

The bodies that you see in Men Health Magazine.

I spent hours in the the Gym trying to achieve the body of my dreams.


Hours turned Into Months...Until I met MR X.

He changed the course of my Life and Change gave me the foundation that allowed me to go from...

Inside My 3 Week ALPHA SHREDDING Protocol, You'll Get Access To...
  • Detailed Video instructions on how to perform each exercise with perfect form and safely.
  • Pyramids and Ladders and we show you which exercises to do 
Pyramids on and which exercises to do Ladders on
  • Weight Ascension Charts for Various Starting Strength Levels showing you how much weight you should be starting with and ascending so you are not guessing, this helps keep your weight training safe whilst getting you maximum results.
  • Benefit: Our products are delivered immediately
  • Feature: Explain the benefit of your products
  • Icon: Change the icons in the settings
We will not leave you for dead by the side of the Road
Some people have asked me why the ALPHA SHREDDING is different from all these other “workout plans” on the internet right now?

Good question.

Some of the other courses out there may be great. What most will do is give you some e-books, some videos, perhaps some coaching via a support forum.

But the fact is they are NOT going to give you the "Silver Platter"to implement what they are teaching.
And they certainly don't give a solid foundation and mindset to working out.

You are pretty much dumped by the road-side and left to fend for yourself

When you get access to ALPHA SHREDDING, you are given the complete system.

We’ll Give you the 3 CORE aspects of the SYSTEM to get you started and training over a 3 week period.


And the additional ALPHA ON THE GO which you can use access all your local workouts. 

You are given unlimited access to a complete 3 WEEK WORKOUT SYSTEM with no ONGOING FEES

And for life.

We leave you no room for error. You are given everything.

The fact is that there is NOTHING like ALPHA SHREDDING on the market. I know because I spend months buying, using the workouts and spending hours of my life in the gym.

When you get you copy of ALPHA SHREDDING Today, I'll also give you...
Immediate Access to our ALPHA SHREDDING Facebook Group
Where the Magic Happens
A gang of like-minded SHREDDERS will accelerate your success!

Everyone benefits when you're in a supportive and positive environment. Get help and encouragement from fellow ALPHA SHREDDERS. And discover how others are using ALPHA SHREDDING to aid you in achieving you goal

It's reassuring to know there are others out there doing the exact same thing you are. We're proud of the strong support structure we've created because we know how important peer-to-peer encouragement is.

We closely monitor our ALPHA SHREDDING Group . Come in and exchange ideas or get information from our experienced SHREDDERS who have followed the protocol and are getting results. When you access ALPHA SHREDDING, you'll also get access to our Facebook Group....


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Get Access To Today For ONLY $67 and We Will Include These Additional Bonuses To Help Boost Your Success

  • A no-nonsense guide detailing the supplements my clients and I take to see the fastest results with Alpha Shredding.
  • We detail out why we don't take certain supplements so you don't have to waste time figuring out which ones are good.
  • We save you a ton of time researching different supplement brands and tell you why none of that really matters when it comes to supplements.
  • Ultimately supplements ARE optional but they help accelerate your results with Alpha Shredding and we explain why inside...
You Are 100% Protected by Our Full Money Back Guarantee
My Promise to You...
If you are still uncertain whether ALPHA SHREDDING is something you should invest in... I’m offering you personally my 100% Money Back Guarantee.

This is coming from me, Aaron Darko to you.

For any reason you are not satisfied with the ALPHA SHREDDING or you simply want your money back – send us an email or file a support ticket within 30 days of your purchase and you will receive 100% of your money back.

No Quibble, No Hassle, No Questions Asked.

You are 100% protected.
Oh Yeah and if you’re among my First Thousand Customers,, I'm going to throw in Access to my Private Alpha Shredding Facebook Group where myself and fellow Alpha Shredding members share valuable information. This will help keep you accountable to become shredded.
This is a $997 value and you get it free when you Get Alpha Shredding right now. 

You’ve Got Questions, We’ve Got Answers!
Is the Alpha Shredding Method safe?
A: Much safer than your typical personal trainer or ‘functional’ gym. There are so many dangerous workouts and diets out there that could hurt you, and I only choose workouts, diets and supplements that have your best interest in mind. Then, I make sure I teach them in a way so you’ll avoid injuries and keep your body safe.
Beyond looking shredded, what benefits can I really expect?
A: Looking shredded is simply the cherry on top. Because the second you become shredded, you gain so many other health and lifestyle benefits. You’ll have far more energy. You’ll blast through the day without ever getting tired. You’ll be excited about life again. As a result, you’ll be more productive and maybe even make more money. Also, you’ll rarely ever get sick. And the biggest win… you’ll better fight off deadly diseases like heart disease, cancer and more.
You mentioned sex... Will Alpha Shredding give me a Testosterone boost?
A: Well, we make no claims to improve your sex life or cure any sexual issues, however we’ve seen amazing results. Think about it. Once you’re shredded and feeling alive and confident, don’t you think girls (even your spouse) will want you more? Of course! Add in key hormone igniters, and you’ll feel like you’re in your 20's again :)
How long can I use the Alpha Shredding Method?
A: As long as you like! Because I know it works better than any other program out there, I plan on using it for life. You can too.
Can I do this if I workout at home?
A: Absolutely, you can do Alpha Shredding at home! Our "Hotel Shred" bodyweight Module will help you a lot and you can also do Alpha Shredding at home since we tell you how to do the exercises if you have a small home gym setup.
Does the Alpha Shredding Method come with a meal plan?
A: Meal plans are not sustainable and they actually cause you to gain weight because "IF" you complete them... then you'll be more likely to binge eat All the time because you've been depriving yourself of your favorite foods so we don't have a "meal plan" per se. You will be receiving our Alpha Chef Cookbook with 100 Alpha Shredding Approved meals you can make in under 15 mins! Once you do Alpha Shredding you'll finally know exactly what to do with your diet to stay shredded all year round! You're gonna love this!
I want to get started right away. Do I have to wait?
A: Not at all! I created the Alpha Shredding Method to instantly deliver to you via our private online membership area. There’s no waiting or paying for shipping. As soon as you click the button below and place your order, YOU’RE IN!

We’ve come to the end of the road, and I want you to know one final thing:
You deserve to look, feel and perform your best.
You’ve seen the countless success stories, the proof, the results, and the system I’ve created.
It’s time for you to go ahead and click the button below to secure your access, and get back to the Man you know you’re capable of being.

I'll see you on the inside.

This Is The DEAL Of A Lifetime...
Click the button, follow the directions on the next page and give me an initial 
3 weeks of COMMITMENT.
Get $4,529 Worth Of Value for Just 2 Easy Payments of $37 
To Get Shredded For LIFE!

All Training Is Delivered 100% Online In Our Membership Area

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3 Things Required for Success 
1) Proper Plan
The proper plan is ALPHA SHREDDING

It's a system we've purposefully designed so that someone could take this system without ever having anymore knowledge and resources and workout and eat correctly

It's a proven working system that has worked for me, others and can work for you to if you implement it properly.
2) Proper Execution
Most people fail with "workout and diet systems" because the system gives them a blueprint but doesn't give you the proper execution methods. You're left out in the cold and forced to get on with it.

We've provided everything for you so you have all you need in one place

You are also given extensive training videos and PDF's as it's important you understand and implement everything correctly. This ensures maximum performance.

And we also have strong community support via the private ALPHA SHREDDING Facebook Group - so we can all help each other out.
3) Focus
This system requires a little bit of grace and focus to follow through.

This is the critical factor between you succeeding and failing. I can give you the proper plan and lay out the proper execution but I cannot give you this - only you can.

There is nothing difficult or complicated in ALPHA SHREDDING. Far from it. However it is still a system and therefore needs to be followed and repeated.

If you try a little bit of this and a little bit of that you are not following the system. Stay focused and you will succeed.
What Are You Waiting For...
Lets Get Shredded!
I wish I could 100% guarantee your success. Unfortunately I cannot predict how you are going to implement ALPHA SHREDDING.

I do promise you a complete system that has given me the and those that I have coached get the body of their dreams.

I remember when my girlfriend pointed at my belly one day and asked if it was OK?

I laughed and told her "SIX PACK COMING SOON"

Rather than miss out on knowing if ALPHA SHREDDING is the right system for you, I suggest buying it just to see.

(And if you don't like it just get the full refund, knowing you have nothing to lose.)

Click the "GET INSTANT ACCESS" button below and get your copy today.

Secure Order Form - 100% Protected & Safe

I'm absolutely thrilled to make a difference in your life and hear about your journey over the next 3 weeks and beyond!
Your success is why I do this!


Please Note: Since we are helping the environment, all training is delivered 100% Online via Streaming Videos and PDFs.

© 2017 ALPHA SHREDDING • All Rights Reserved - Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy
Testimonials found on our website and/or from Alpha Shredding are unverified results that have been forwarded to us by our users, and may not reflect the typical purchaser's experience, may not apply to the average person and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. If we have disclosed typical results based on information provided to us by a manufacturer or other reputable third party source, you should presume that the typical results as stated are more reliable than the testimonials and other examples found at AlphaShredding.com and/or from Alpha Shredding. However, you should always perform due diligence and not take such results at face value. We are not responsible for any errors or omissions in typical results information supplied to us by manufacturers or other reputable third parties. If a product or service is new, you understand that it may not have been available for purchase long enough to provide an accurate results history. Again, it is possible that even with perfect use of the program, you will not achieve the results described in testimonials. They are meant to be a showcase of the best results the program has produced, and should not be taken as the results a typical user will get.


As with any exercise program, you assume certain risks to your health and safety by following Alpha Shredding. Any form of exercise can cause injuries if the exercises are performed incorrectly, and Alpha Shredding is no exception. It is possible that you may become injured doing the exercises in this program, especially if they are done in poor form. Although thorough instruction is included on form for each exercise, realize that Alpha Shredding (like any other exercise program) does involve a risk of injury. You can return the program for any reason if you are not satisfied with the results. However we can't guarantee your results with Alpha Shredding. It is possible that you will not lose fat, gain muscle or get ab definition with this program. It is also possible that you will gain fat, lose muscle, and lose ab definition. Aaron's story, and the stories of the clients you see on this page are real. However, it must be disclaimed that these testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results with the program. They are meant as a showcase of what the most motivated and dedicated clients can do with the program. Your results may vary, and you may not get the same results when using this program due to differences in your individual exercise history, genetics, and personal motivation. Aaron is not a medical doctor or nutritionist. His advice is not meant as a substitute for medical advice. Please consult your doctor before beginning any exercise or diet program. 
ClickBank is the retailer of this product. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 917 S. Lusk Street, Suite 200, Boise Idaho, 83706, USA and used by permission. ClickBank's role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of this product or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of this product.

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